Our osteopaths have established many connections with those affected by breast cancer and are passionate about raising awareness and funding research. You can help us by donating generously to this important cause.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation is the leading community-funded organisation in Australia raising money for research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer.
Some Further Information about Breast Cancer
Facts and Stats
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Australia (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer).
One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.
On average, eight women die from breast cancer every day in Australia.
There are nearly 60,000 people living with breast cancer in Australia today.
In 2020, 17,210 women are projected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia. This is an average of 47 women every day.
Increasing age is one of the strongest risk factors for developing breast cancer.
More than two in three cases of breast cancer occur in women aged between 40 and 69 years.
Australian women diagnosed with breast cancer have an 89.6% chance of surviving five years after diagnosis.
Breast cancer spreading to other organs (metastasis) is the main cause of death from breast cancer. Once breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it is thought that the number of women surviving five years is only around one-in-five.
More women are surviving breast cancer. In 1994 when NBCF was established, around 76 of every 100 women diagnosed with breast cancer were still alive five years after diagnosis. Today, 90 out of every hundred are still living.
Improvements in survival are attributed to earlier detection of breast cancer through regular mammograms and improved treatment outcomes for breast cancer.
Although rare, breast cancer can also affect men, accounting for about 1% of cases. Around 140 men are diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia each year.
National Breast Cancer Foundation Website: http://nbcf.org.au/about-national-breast-cancer-foundation/about-breast-cancer/facts-and-stats/